Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Random thoughts... on meeting people

When I meet people, this is usually the small talk that follows...

- Where in the States are you from?
- No, I'm from Canada (and then I realize how twangy my voice gets when I say it, especially on the first 'a')

- Can you speak French?
- No, it's really only the French-speaking province that speaks French and we only had to learn it up to Grade 9. I was dumb and didn't bother to continue it.

How big is Toronto?
- uhhh... I don't know... a couple million. (I finally found out though after the 5th time being asked this that there's roughly 5 million people in the GTA)

- How hot/cold does it get?
- Well -30 in the winter and to 40 in the summer.

- Do you ski or snowboard?
- Yeah but I've never been to Western Canada to the mountains.

Do you say "zed" too? (not 'zee')
- umm... yeah... i think so. ( I had to think about it the first time)

- You use degrees Celsius too? You use the metric system too? You have Aborginals too?
- yes, yes, yes... we were colonized by England too!! But drive on the left side of the road. (EDIT: duh! it's RIGHT side of the road, LEFT side of the car... lol... thanks Monika!)

And pertaining to what I study...
- Really?!?!? I would have never guessed you're a Chemical Engineer. What do Chemical Engineers do?
- Design plants...(blah blah blah)
- Ohhh... I thought you meant designing an actual plant (as in flower, bush, leaf, etc).

And finally, my favourite:
- Can you say "about"?
- "About"
Oh... you don't say "a-boot"? You sound American.
- Yeah, it's only the Newfies that talk like that. And yeah... we're pretty close to the States but I don't sound American

Even Americans ask me the above question. I think it's hilarious... but I'm sure I ask pretty stupid questions too like... are there lots of sharks around?

hahaha... oh the joys of immersing yourself in a different culture. I'm sure there are other questions I get asked a lot, but these are the ones that I remember. And now, usually every answer starts off: "haha.. everyone always asks me that" followed by the formulated response.

On another note: I have discovered Dark Chocolate Tim Tams... they are good as well but f**k they are addictive.

And I have a group report, a individual report due and a quiz on Friday... yet I'm still procrastinating... ahhh... the joys of being back at school. I certainly never lost the fine art of procrastination, yet don't ask me to do a mass balance or heat transfer problem... or write an essay!


the5cientist said...



Anonymous said...

funny blog L!!

dont eat too many tim tams!!

Monika said...

Hehehe, I get the "Oh you're-from Canada-so-you-speak-French" thing as well.

But just a note: we drive on the RIGHT side of the road. Might want to edit that... :)

Anonymous said...

My oh my, big sister Lillian, using suh foul language.."f**k"...I am shocked
