Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pretty uneventful week

This week wasn’t too eventful. Only had 4 (out of 8) hours of class (other classes were cancelled). Worked in the Chem Eng computer lab on design quite a bit, but most of it was not that productive. We’ll get into gear next week I think.

I’ve been working on planning my trip in November and December. Since I don’t have exams, my last day of class is October 27. I’ll give myself just over a week to pack up and settle anything here in Sydney, put my stuff in storage, celebrate the end of school and then I’m off to Adelaide. I’m flying there and then taking a well recommended tour up to Alice Spring, which includes a tour of Uluru, the famous large rock in the centre of Australia. Yes, I’m going to the Outback. Then from Alice Springs, I’ll fly to Darwin and take a 3 days safari through the national parks. There are plenty of crocodiles up there I’ve been told and it’s the tropical rainforest. The downer is that it’ll be wet season so I should expect lots of rain and really cool lightning storms. Then I’ll fly to Cairns on the East Coast, and make my way down to Sydney. I can take it slow, giving myself about one month to do it. I’ll have to be careful in Northern Queensland since it’ll be jelly fish season. Apparently you can’t go in the water without a tres sexy stinger suit to prevent you from dying form the poisonous sting of box jelly fish and others. Some are only a few centimetres and hard to detect I presume. Once I cross the Tropic of Capricorn, it should be beautiful, sunny weather and no sea critters to work about except maybe sharks! Hehe! I’m planning a Whitsunday Island cruise, a 3 day 4WD camping trip on Fraser Island and a night on Magnetic Island. I’ll definitely be scuba diving or snorkelling through the reef (again with a stinger suit). I’ll be in Sydney for New Year’s Eve and hopefully stay at Bondi Beach and then head home on Jan 4 to freezing, cold, miserable weather to start a semester with at least 20 hours per week of class… ugh… not looking forward to that!
That’s what took up most of yesterday. I haven’t confirmed anything, but I should do it soon as things book up!

Moving on to BBQs. I’ve been to 2 so far and I thought the first one, (during the Wine and Whale Weekend) was just an anomaly. There was no mustard, sausages weren’t that great, no hamburgers, flat sandwich bread and shredded cheese. But then I went to the Chem Club BBQ at Uni and to my surprise found the same thing. They split the sausage down the middle and put onions on it, and wrapped some white, sandwich bread around it. The sausages were tastier, but still no mustard. So I found out yesterday by talking to Kristen’s roommate Harri, that it’s quite the norm. My mom would laugh because anytime she BBQs and there are no bun and she tries to substitute it with sandwich bread, my sister and I always kick up a fuss. Seems she’d fit right in here. Well another unique Aussie experience for me.

Tonight Kristen, Kristina and I are hoping to hit up a club in the city. I hope that goes well and should be a lot of fun. Except, it’s be raining all day, non-stop. I hope it stops by tonight, I hate going out when it’s rainy.

I handed in my 2000w essay on Wednesday, but I’m dropping that class and picking up another one. The next two assignments for that class are ridiculous… 20 page reports in two weeks time! I hate giving up or shying away from a challenge, but I’m not going to bust my butt unnecessarily here. I’ll be doing enough of that in Toronto. So, I’m chickening out and switching classes… it’s not so bad, I’m not the only one.

That’s about it. No fun pics or videos this time…

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