Saturday, October 21, 2006

Just because I have *so much free time*...

Here is a map of my trip around Australia. I didn't realize how far I'd actually be travelling until I did this little exercise. Keep in mind, Australia is roughly the same size as continental USA.

Click on it to make it bigger.

It's a good thing the weather has been crappy and miserable - it would make staying in a doing work a lot harder. In the final week now!!

I've also been trying to stay in and be cheap, because I need to save for my trip. Wish I could do all the shopping I wanted, but for me, travelling and seeing and doing is more important. But gawd! is it ever hard to see the cutest things and not buy them... We'll see how I hold out ... I may just have to eat less to buy those cute little outfits. LOL! Bottom line: I don't like budgeting.

Yesterday was a very productive day though and I got a lot done. Even managed to find a little time at lunch to go to Balmain with Carrie for thai. Balmain was really cute, just like Newtown with the same sort of shops and store fronts and buildings, but with a different feel. Stayed in last night because it was rainy and still had lots to do. Went to sleep in my long pjs, socks and a sweater because it was so cold! At least the cockroaches stay away in the cold weather. Can't have it all!

Here's a quick funny story. I was buying more Vodafone pre-pay credit for my mobile in a convenience store down the street, from a guy named Ali. I asked for the Vodafone card and in trying to make conversation, he asked me if I was Irish?!?!? Huh!?! I was dumbfounded. Not only do I not look very Irish, I also don't sound like it all. (But I guess it's better than being asked if I'm American). Anyway, I told him I was from Canada, Toronto specifically. He said we was going to move there. And then as my EPTPOS was being processed, he gave me two free yogurt candies... just because I was from Toronto. Weird.

And today at dinner, with Alicia and Sasha at Hoochie Mama's, some arrogant, loud mouth came over interrupting our dinner and chatted us up along with his very demure, quiet and obviously embarrassed friend. He asked me where I was from, again I said Toronto. He said he was going to Toronto and driving to New York. (Along with a lot of other random BS like dropping out of MBA and submitting a patent and having connections in the club scene). Apparently everyone I meet is going to Toronto, go figure! Have fun in the snow!!

Well that convo ended in hilarity when as they were departing after a very awkward 15 minutes, he said, maybe I'll see you Toronto to which I responded, "yeah... I don't think so."


Anonymous said...

First of all, love the fact that you want to a restaurant called Hoochie Mama's :) Sounds like your trip around Australia is pretty much going to cover everything. Its good that you're taking advantage of it. Enjoy your last week... Lucky you :(


P.S. Thanks for providing entertainment when I don't want to work on Plant Design :)

Anonymous said...

Ooops! I meant "went" to a restaurant... My God, I'm surprised I'm wearing socks today...


Melanie said...

Hey Lillian,
I hope you have a great trip!
It's so exciting to see all of the cool things you have been doing!

Anonymous said...

cool Map L

have fun traveling - wish i could be there with you!


Unknown said...

FYI, all those randoms were actually hitting on you becaues ur a sexy mama (Dave can agree with me on this) so next time a stranger comes up to you its because he wants to hit dat. (like the ibonics?)