Monday, November 06, 2006

Last Entry from SUV

Going to make this a short one because I'm on my way out. Just going to pack up the computer and then head out. I can't believe the day is here... going to start a new adventure. It's sad to leave this place and be essentially homeless for the next 2 months, but I'm looking forward to the excitement and challenges it will present. Just been packing up and cleaning up the past few days. Wish I had done something exciting, but really had no time for it! I've had a pretty good time in Sydney, there were some ups and downs and things I could have done differently and things I wouldn't change. Met some really fantastic people and truly fell in love with the city. One thing I will miss while I'm gone is my computer!

Just before I go, here are some pictures I just took. Me and my gigantic backpack which I'll be living out of for the next 2 months. And my empty room. It took 4 months to make it homey, and only 2 days to make it sterile again.

I'll try to update this while I'm on the road but can't guarantee it! Byeeeee!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi L! or Bye L!

you close one adventure and begin a new one! Just like me, as this blog comment is coming from a wireline truck on location near waterton, AB - using SATELITE internet!

Love D